MABGA Outings Rules and Guidelines

Revised 12/25/2022

Eve Lipman with coach
Photo of Eve Lipman with coach explaining the benefits of MABGA

The following are the most important rules while visiting our host golf courses:

  •  Under any and all circumstances, visually impaired golfers are never permitted to drive the golf carts. The first Violations of this rule will result in a 3 month suspension from all MABGA activities. A second offense will result in a one year suspension.
  • All blind golfers must stay within arm’s length of their coach, while on the golf course, except when standing on the green. While anywhere on the premises of the host club, blind golfers must use their white cane or walk sighted guide. There will be a two outing forfeiture for the blind golfer and coach. This penalty will be doubled for each additional offense.
  • All blind golfers and coaches must refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine or liquor, at all regular golf outings.  The only exceptions to this rule are during the cocktail hour at our Annual Invitational Golf Tournament and the Green Valley Golf Outing. Any Violation will result in a one outing forfeiture for both the blind golfer and coach.
  • Each foursome that falls more than one full hole behind and is holding up play for the golfers behind them must stop play on that hole and proceed to the next tee. When told about this delay by the Marshall or a coach, if the group does not move forward, then the entire group will be placed at the top of the bump list for the next overbooked outing.

Enforcement of these rules will be the responsibility of the Marshall and Assistant Marshall, with the support of all coaches who witness any of these major infractions. The Board of Governors will support the enforcement of these rules and the penalties incurred. Every blind golfer and coach will be responsible for abiding by all rules.

Format revised 7/31/2002)

Unless advised otherwise by the Club Pro, the Marshall or the Outing Committee, the following regulations are to be observed at all golf outings:

  1. Except for the MABGA Annual Golf Tournament, the Pro-Am Tournament and our outing at Green Valley CC, the style of play for outings will be a foursome, (never a six some), consisting of two teams.  Each team will have two players, one blind golfer and one coach.  The team will use the Select Drive-Alternate Shot System of play.
  2.  Each team player tees off.  The team selects the drive, which they plan to use.  The team alternates shots until the end of the hole.
  3. Any blind golfer who wants to test his or her individual skills may play an optional style of play where only the blind golfer plays.  However, that blind golfer must play at the end of the group
  4. All golfers should use the red tees unless otherwise advised by the Marshall.
  5. Tend or remove the flag when putting.  Avoid stepping in the line of putt.  The putter whose ball is furthest away putts first (unless that golfer is not ready). Don’t drag your feet while on the green. Line up your putt while others are putting.   On par 3 holes wave up golfers behind you, before putting out.

Rules Of Play

All USGA rules must be followed except for the following:

  •  Each blind golfer is allowed one whiff per shot (including sand trap shots) without penalty.  (If a blind player whiffs twice in a row, count one stroke and the coach hits the next shot.)
  • There will be a 10-stroke limit per hole for all team or individual play unless otherwise advised.
  • All players will have unpenalized relief from trees, shrubs, rocks, etc. which interfere with a full swing.  You may not advance the ball or move the ball from rough to fairway.
  • Be familiar with the course map.  Golf balls may be moved from far side of fairway to cart path side when carts are not permitted off pathway. Make 90-degree turns unless advised otherwise.
  • Take no longer than 2 minutes to look for lost ball.  Drop provisional ball and take no penalty stroke. Keep extra balls and tees in your pocket to save time when ball is lost.  Make your club selection at the cart not on the tee.  Play Ready Golf, anyone prepared to hit should go.
  • Hit only one ball do not practice on the course.  Don’t give teaching instructions while playing (save the lessons for the driving range).

Golf Course Courtesy

You must keep in mind the fact that we are guests at each host club.  Playing at these clubs is a privilege not a right.  Our organization expects every blind golfer and coach to follow proper golf course etiquette and to follow dress codes and all rules of the host club, including the following:

  • Do not waste time between shots.  Take no more than 2 practice swings before you hit.
  • Keep all golf carts on the cart path or rough, unless our Marshall or the host Pro advises otherwise.  When approaching a green, park the golf cart along the back or rear side of the green.  By following this rule, you allow the golfers behind you to shoot for the green as soon as you are finished playing.
  • NEVER DRIVE OR PARK THE CART WITHIN 30 FEET OF Any GREEN.  When parking a cart on an incline, always double check the parking break and turn the front wheel to the side for better traction.
  • Park your cart even and along side of the tee (not on the tee).  Watch for bumps, hills, ditches, etc.
  • Be sure to rake any sand bunker, which you have entered.  If no rake is available, use your golf club or feet to smooth the sand as best you can.
  • Blind golfers must remind their coaches to rake traps and to keep the golf course in good condition.
  • All coaches must replace or repair all divots on the tees, the fairways or in the rough.  Remember to pick up tees (broken or not). This will help to keep each host golf course looking it’s best and it will encourage these clubs to invite us back.
  • Coaches should repair at least two ball marks on all greens, even the ones that are not due to your play.  This will help to make a good impression on our host clubs and their members.
  • Always remember that any members of the host club who are playing the course must be encouraged to play through.
  • As a courtesy to all other golfers, please speak softly at the golf course especially around tees and greens. Cursing or swearing is never appropriate on the golf course.
  • The role of the guest (MABGA) is to arrive on time. Get your cart and put golf bags on properly, then report to the Marshall.
  • It is always necessary to follow dress codes (collars on shirts, dress walking shorts – no jeans).
  • Check the directions to the host club before leaving home. Drive your car to the bag drop, if it is available.
  • Always wear soft spikes to all golf courses. No metal spikes are allowed.
  • Tip all service staff (waitress, bag boys and locker room attendants when using their services). Don’t forget your wallet when stopping for lunch.
  • If you have any questions while on the golf course, or if you wish to report any misbehavior or irregularities, see our golf Marshall, Ranger or a member of the Golf Outing Committee.
  • Golfers and their coaches should make every attempt to play with a different opponent at each outing. Get to know all of our members and coaches, be pleased and eager to play with whomever you are grouped with. This lends itself too more enjoyable rounds of golf for all.
  • Do not take cell phones onto the golf course, because most clubs prohibits their use and you will hold up play.

Scorecards & Handicaps

  • Before starting play, get a scorecard and map of the course (when possible). Check the map at each hole (if any questions ask our Marshall or Ranger).
  • Coaches should fill out your scorecard legibly and turn the results in to our Marshall after each outing.
  • These rules are a guide to help MABGA Golf Outings run more efficiently. Use common sense when dealing with a situation that may not be covered by the above rules. Always remember, to play safely