MABGA Membership Requirements

Revised 03/20/2024

Like any group or club, there are certain requirements for membership.  First you must live in the Middle Atlantic region, more specifically, the Philadelphia, Philadelphia suburbs, South Jersey, Delaware and surrounding area.  All of our golf outings are in the listed vicinity and you will need to travel to the host golf courses to participate in those events.

Other requirements for joining include the following:

  1. You must be totally blind or legally blind as defined by the social security Administration.
  2. You must have an interest in playing or in learning to play golf.
  3. You must be 18 years old or older.
  4. You will need to complete our Membership Online Registration Form
  5. You will need to be verified by your physician. Please have your doctor fill out our printer friendly PDF Doctor’s form.
  6. You will need to be verified that you are ready to play on a golf course by one of our area Golf professionals.

Once accepted, you will become a prospective member. As a prospective member, you will be invited to play and participate in all MABGA activities for a period of time, where then you will be asked to become a full voting member.

Before you can begin playing golf, you will need to find a coach. A coach is an individual that will provide you transportation to and from the various golf courses and be your playing partner. The coach will assist you in whatever manner necessary for you to play golf and will participate in the alternate shot format as defined in the Rules of Golf. Assistance can be given in finding a coach, but we encourage all members to locate their own coach. Many blind golfers will have multiple coaches to insure that someone will be available when needed.

If you are interested in joining the Middle Atlantic Blind Golf Association, contact our membership chairman, see below for the contact information. Once he has verbally approved your prospective membership, you will need to print a Physician form and have your doctor fill out the necessary information.

Chairman of the membership committee:
Al Test
Phone: 215 745 2323

To remain as an active member of the organization, you must pay an annual membership dues fee of $100 per voting member. Click here to complete the membership form and pay your annual membership dues via a credit card, debit card, or a personal PayPal account. If you prefer to pay your membership dues using Venmo, please contact us at and we can supply you with the necessary information to pay your membership dues via Venmo upon request.

If you prefer to pay your membership dues via check or money order, please complete the online membership form and make your check or money order payable to MABGA, write MABGA dues in the memo line, and mailing it to:
Middle Atlantic Blind Golf Association
50 Pine Croft
Lansdale, PA 19446